Thursday, July 7, 2011

The firefighters who came out to fight the Monument Fire here in Sierra Vista did a terrific job.  Now that there is rain it looks like the fires are nearly over - its good to look out upon the landscape and instead of seeing smoke, see monsoon cloud formations - vast temple-like columns of clouds that seem to bring the heavens down to earth.  Its amazing to see just how much this landscape changes from day to day.  One day the sky is crystal clear with no clouds in sight.  The next day there is a veritable city of cloud castles.  Later that same day, the tall clouds give way to sheet clouds that look as though someone has punched holes into them.  At sunrise, there are lenticular clouds over the mountains, like hovering motherships coming in for a look-see.
Anyway, thanks to the firefighters who took care of the Monument fire for us.  The work they did created miracles for a lot of people.

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