Monday, September 6, 2010

just quick thinking/the sun is out but the interruptions by clouds are more alarming and beautiful/i dreamed that i was wilhelm reich and that the two of us/the original wilhelm reich and me as wilhelm reich/were discussing the merits of the cloudbuster and its longterm effects on orgone energy/ i looked up/surprised to find a very young nikola tesla/who told us that we needed to speak to the orgone energy the way he had learned to speak to lightning/all these spirits/he said/have languages/it angers them that we don't learn to speak with them/somehow it was dark outside and the laboratory had become a shotgun shack/i was with and old girlfriend/one i still love in memory/although i haven't seen or heard from her in 30 years/and she was telling me that the orange slime on the floor meant that there were pteradactyls nearby/and when I looked through an opening in the door I could see that she was right/then there were other people with us/more worried about checking in to the dormitory than they were about the pteradactyls/after awhile I started telling them that I was not crazy/just tired and a bit angry/and that they should leave me alone about it/ thats when the voice over started in/opining about the tragic state of American youth/ as it turned out I was being filmed for an advertisement as part of a US Military propaganda campaign aimed at selling parents on the idea that death in war was far better than a life of juvenile delinquency/the director screamed that my delivery wasn't intense enough/and bill/who was standing nearby/was suggesting that if I attacked the director with a hatchet/he might find the performance more intense/ I felt the axe in my hands/ as I hefted it to learn the balance/it became a ruler/and now i was looking at a single sheet of perfect parchment paper/ it was blank/but my mind had superimposed a brilliant golden line drawing/which i knew was the intended subject for this scroll to be/and I dipped my pen/which had been first the axe then the ruler but was now a dip pen with a speedball tip/ and started to apply the image/which showed a dragon breathing fire/surrounded by the words /beware the bookstore/in a very ornate french letter style/ then we were back in the shack and the pteradactyls were slamming against the side of the building/I was talking to an alligator who had sidled up next to me/asking whether he was afraid of the pteradactyls/ he said that he was more afraid of me than he was of them/fearfully I picked up a harmonica and started playing olde lange syne/ and hoping that the alligator would not remember that he was a carnivore/meanwhile my ex was wandering about gathering candles lamenting that they were a synthetic parraffin and not truly beeswax/ the harmonica kept sounding sour notes/ so i just looked down at my hand and couldn't believe that the palm was now entirely inhabited by a sunflower/I wonder weather this is what Van Gogh saw/ I asked out loud/thats when the alarm went off and I woke up

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