I think that the reasoning has less to do with actual security, and more to do with creating jobs. Since 9-11, a completely new industry has arisen in this country. Airlines first started using the security guidelines as a way of reducing baggage transport on their flights. When they saw how much this improved their cash flow, they changed guidelines to regulations and started charging for the "right" to bypass the regulations. When once you could travel quite comfortably, now if you want comfort at your destination, you have to pre-ship what you need in advance of your flight. Of course couriers and package shipping companies are enjoying the benefits too.
But I side track. My father is undergoing knee surgery in Tucson tomorrow, so later this afternoon I will be packing my bag and driving there so that I can be around when he comes out of the operating theater. Its one of those fast and furious trips. Dad has made plans for himself, my mother and my aunt, who will be traveling with us, but hasn't asked me what my plans are. As so often happens in this family, he assumed that I would just go along for the ride. After all, I'm currently unemployed, so obviously I can have no plans of my own for the next several weeks. I am planning to drive up on my own, so that I'll have access to a vehicle and I can travel back to Sierra Vista on my own. That way I can continue looking for a day job and working on my books. I will drive up on my own and will come back mid-week, after Dad has settled in and after arrangements and scheduling is in place for his recovery.