Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ralph Mactell

An argyle sweater got off the train at South Station
And demanded “Streets of London”
So I played it again.

When I looked up at the end
Of the song, 
the man was smiling.

And I realized that he had written
The song I’d just sung for him.
So I just smiled back.

Tunnel Poem Number One

Remembering the Tunnel

In the tunnel I heard a voice calling out
Oh was it human
Or was it just a distant train
Wheels screeching on the rail
Full of people on their way someplace
While here I was
Already at the destination
Sitting on an old metal chair
With a flashlight and a hardhat
Eating a candybar
And otherwise watching 
The great and secret

Finally, the voice grew closer
And there you were in your orange 
Vest and a hardhat of your own
Your legs deeply tanned
And under the orange vest
Your bright white cotton blouse
By the light of my headlamp
You looked like a vision
A strange vision I must admit
Even with the black dust
Smudge on your cheek.

For you I pulled up the other chair

I’ll never forget that you brought wine that night
Just to watch the trains with me.